Hard Hitter
Want the most bang for your buck? Look no further than the Hard Hitter. This fast-paced show is jam-packed with bright colors and amazing effects.
We’re all here for the same reason - to create a great show and some serious envy among friends. But if you want to take the guesswork out of your fireworks show design, we can help. Follow the suggestions below. Each includes 15 of our favorite products for the best bang, effects, and color. Each design has been carefully selected and created for any budget and experience. We’ve even included suggested launch times.
Want the most bang for your buck? Look no further than the Hard Hitter. This fast-paced show is jam-packed with bright colors and amazing effects.
Now this is a show that really builds. Starting with a shower of sparks, Packin’ Heat moves into a quick-fire series of stars, mines, and crackle effects before finishing with a few of our most impressive cakes.
Don’t let anyone tell you less is more. Our Ultimate show begins with a barrage of sparks and ends with a jaw-dropping neon finale.